Theory of writing / Final reflection

After looking back at all the essays and research papers I wrote through out the semester , I have really learnt a lot about writing and also writing technical documents. The first thing I did whenever I had a paper to write this semester . I sat down and thought about the problem we are addressing or the objective of the essay . I tried to identify what style of writing it was . In this class we reviewed different style of writing about technical ideas . From descriptive , rhetorical analysis and explanatory . Now I go through similar process except I do a lot of research now before I start writing papers. I also learned that Wikipedia is not a good source of information . The class exposed me to lots of libraries and databases and also taught how to navigate through them . So before I form a thesis I make sure I have a very strong knowledge on the particular topic . Another thing that changed for me is the importance of audience focus . Since this is a writing for engineers class there is already focus . The class teaches you to focus on your audience deeply , from style , color , language , age and etc .

One of the major things I learned when writing was Apa style, for my whole life I have written Mla style . The way you quote was different , the way you put the dates at the top was different and the reference page style was also different to .

Theory of writing would influence my other classes and my career . Firstly for my career that is very obvious . We have done a lot of technical description and writing . I have learnt how to properly describe technical objects , and also covey the message properly so that the require audience can  understand it very well . For my school , I will be writing a lot papers in my other classes . writing for engineers has giving me that foundation , even in lab reports . I do a lot of lab reports as a computer engineer  . So with the knowledge gained in writing lab reports . I can perfectly structure a good lab reports and write it clearly and concisely so that the audience can understand what I am trying to convey .

The research paper took a lot of research so I learned how to navigate databases like I said before and this would help when I am writing research papers in other classes . I also learned how to select between source and this could be applied so I don’t get fake information .

In conclusion this class has changed a lot about my writing and I have learnt how to structure a lab report properly , do a technical proposal properly  , write to my audience and do proper research before writing .

Rhetorical Analysis of two lab experiments

Introduction : This is the analysis of two lab reports ; it analyzes the structure between the reports and says the differences between their structure and if they met the writing specifications of a lab report

A lab report or document should be well written, it should be able to pass its main idea across with evidence to support it. This evidence has to be facts, usually, they come in numbers or some type of data that should be the case. They should be facts that do not necessarily mean that the idea has to be right. The facts just must align with the argument that the technical paper/report states. A good report should be broken into parts and should aid the user in understanding the process of think and the process at which the conclusion arrived. The first part of a report is the title and introduction, then followed by the abstract, methods and materials, results and analysis then conclusion.

Tittle of a lab report is important, cause it informs the reader what it is supposed to be about and it is supposed to appeal for other readers of the report. “Cardiac Electrophysiology web lab” from the lab is not very appealing, yes it does give information on what the paper is about. However, it is really vague and does not appeal. The second report the title is “Effect of Postextubation High-Flow Nasal Cannula vs Conventional Oxygen Therapy on Reintubation in Low-Risk Patients”. That is a very good title, its not only appealing and it tells directly what the study is about .

An abstract/objective is like an expansive title. It gives the idea of the experiment in the research / practical. The abstract should be like a summary. So it should include the key parts, procedures and process of the report.An abstract should contain the motivation of the report, the answers discovered and the implication they may have. “Effect of Postextubation High-Flow Nasal Cannula vs Conventional Oxygen Therapy on Reintubation” report abstract is very detailed. It has the complete expectations of an abstract. It states the objective, which determines whether high-flow nasa cannula oxygen therapy is superior to conventional oxygen therapy. the abstract also includes the methods and direct results. On the other hand, the abstract of the

The introduction part of a lab report is a very important of a lab report . This is where you begin to expand on the objectives of the experiment .It should also include previous research in the topic of experiment . “The Cardiac Electrophysiology Web Lab” carefully introduces its topic with detail and states the problem its trying to solve . It also states the problems that have occurred previously when the experiment was tried out . It also explain how it plans to differently carry out the experiment .  On the other hand “Effect of Postextubation High-Flow Nasal Cannula vs Conventional Oxygen Therapy on Reintubation” introduces its objective with a history on it . It also highlights the improvement of the experiment and the results it yielded . It then states the problems of the previous experiment and how the current experiment plans to make changes to yield better result . Overall they both had the same approach to the introduction . By highlighting the history in previous experiment and how the new experiment was aiming to achieve better results .

cardiac electrophysiology is descent. It does have the idea of the experiment. It does include how the experiment Is carried out, the motivation of the report. However, it does not have a briefing of the result or the implication. The first abstract is definitely more useful than the second due to how expansive it is.

The materials and methods section of a lab report is very important. The reason is when a knowledgeable reader in such fields reads the report he/she knows whether the experiment was carried out in a conducive environment with the right. These conditions are necessary due to the influence on the accuracy of these factors on the result of the experiments. “Effect of Postextubation High-Flow Nasal Cannula vs Conventional Oxygen Therapy on Reintubation in Low-Risk Patients” has a very detailed method section. They include the categories in selecting the patient used in the experiment, they also include the conditions the patients are in. It’s very highly detailed due to the fact that it’s the medical field. The methods section also reveal the test that was made to the patients after the procedure. However “The Cardiac Electrophysiology Web Lab” report methods are not very detailly clear. The process is detailed but it mentions instruments and equations used. Part of the instruments was explicitly stated such as the coding language, the software used. However, the equations used were not explicitly stated and I really don’t know why . It was okay, however, it could have been more detailed with the materials and methods.

The results of a lab report should contain the data obtained from the procedure and not only that the result section should have the facts to support it. The facts could be in any form as long as it is verifiable. These facts could be numbers, graph etc. “Effect of Postextubation High-Flow Nasal Cannula vs Conventional Oxygen Therapy on Reintubation in Low-Risk Patients” Result is very expansive. The main goal was achieved. Numbers were stated, the stages at which the patients in the investigations recovered. It also carefully structured all the possible results of the patient and it displayed which of them fit into the category. It had a very nice way the information was presented. The result section also includes a secondary outcome that lists discoveries that they were not necessarily after but was noted. On the other hand “The Cardiac Electrophysiology” results were detailed. the advantage has over the first report on result is it has a lot of graphs. Graphs that are well detailed to understand the information. They are also charts to reference different input variables to compare with the output. Overall it’s a good result section.

Discussion is the part where the data is thoroughly explained and it also explains the implication of the results . “Effect of Postextubation High-Flow Nasal Cannula vs Conventional Oxygen Therapy on Reintubation in Low-Risk Patients” The discussion states that the main objective was achieved The reintubation rate in the control group receiving conventional oxygen therapy (12.2%) was similar to rates from previous reports in general critically ill populations. There is also a further information display to illustrate the numbers gotten from the results. In comparison, The Cardiac Electrophysiology Web Lab discusses deeply about the result of the experiments. The discussion explains some of the reasons they got the result. They explained the challenges and how they affect the result. It also stated where the error occurred in the passage.

A conclusion should include a summary of the main points talked in the lab reports. It should also precisely state whether the main objective of the experiment was achieved. “Effect of Postextubation High-Flow Nasal Cannula vs Conventional Oxygen Therapy on Reintubation in Low-Risk Patients ” clearly stated that its main objective was positively validated in the conclusion. While on the other hand “The Cardiac Electrophysiology Web Lab” does not even have a conclusion. However, at the end of the discussion, it writes that the main objective was not achieved and briefly stated why.

References are simply and list of citations that researchers have used throughout their papers. Individual discussion for these two papers is not necessary- both reports have properly done references. Both lab reports had references and were properly written and documented.

Amd ryzen threadripper : The genius behind bitcoin mining

Introduction : The detailed technical description of the Amd Ryzen thread-ripper , from history , parts , specification and why it is special

History and the reason behind microprocessors and introduction to the AMD thread ripper

The problem the thread ripper solved and its biggest advantage, and architecture

Performance, cache  memory and more in-depth architecture 

Cooling system and overall overview and conclusion

Conclusion and page cited

A Microprocessor synonymous with CPU and the brain of the computer is the electronic device that is responsible for the calculations and manipulations of every data on the computer or electronic device. Microprocessors originally were only on computers but as technology progressed, there started being in various technology and In today’s world. Every single electronic device has a microprocessor in it. The microprocessor, in general, was invented in 1971 by the present famous Intel cooperation. Before the Microprocessor was invented; Vacuum and transistors were used in making most calculative devices and computers. IBM company was one of the leading companies that were producing vacuum computers. Intel was the pioneer in producing microprocessors. Initially, computers could be big as a room and there were no personal computers. The invention of the microcomputer solved that very issue. Hence the term “Micro “  because of how small it is. 

            AMD Ryzen Thread ripper 1950 x is a very unique and brilliant processor. It was widely received positively when it first came out. The world was stunned. It was historically known that Intel was the better hardware producing between AMD and Intel. However, in this time, that is definitely not the case . While Intel were the pioneers Amd has taken it a step further by making its processors quality and more economical compared to Intel.

            The AMD Ryzen Thread ripper 1950 arrived at a very popular time. Bitcoin was getting popular due to its increased value and acceptability. Bit Coin mining is the process of adding transaction records to Bit coin’s public ledger of past transactions is called the blockchain.  For a less technical description is when a computer or complex hard hardware solves a very difficult mathematics problem. Matter of fact these types of math problems are so difficult that the probability of solving them is 1 in a trillion. Hence the term “Mining “ due to the difficulty in obtaining bitcoins. The problems are so difficult that they require expensive and efficient powerful computers/hardware. This is where the AMD Ryzen Thread ripper comes in. It is very powerful. The name “thread ripper “refers to the multiple and fast threads that are contained in the processor. To break it down, threads help with concurrency (the ability of a computer to do multiple things at a time). The AMD Ryzen thread ripper has multiple threads that run at very high speed which means the computer can do so many things at a time. When the Thread ripper was out of stock very fast as it was noticed that it mined bitcoin faster compared to other processors due to its high-speed thread.

 The AMD thread ripper is a flagship microprocessor meaning it’s a high-end processor. The thread ripper is 16 core products. Meaning you have 16 microprocessors in one microprocessor. I know it main sounds confusing but, think of it as one general microprocessor that has multiple sub processors. The thread ripper 1950 x has a base frequency speed of 3.4 GHz that is a boostable to 4.0 ghz. The processors in the thread ripper are smut meaning the hyper threads to 32 threads. The 1950x will seat on a TR4 socket on any x399 motherboard of your choice. The 1950 x has an XFR range of 200 MHz, which means when properly cooled and in the right conditions: it will hit 4100 MHz on up to 4 cores.  (Hilbert, 2019).

The AMD thread ripper Ryzen has the same architecture as the ryzen family. However, a lot of Io changes have been made to the new 1950 x thread ripper. Xfr meaning extended frequency range is a feature that automatically boosts the frequency at which the processors operate in. It regulates the frequency of the processors based on the present cooling system and the temperature of the system at the moment. With the amount of xfr that is in the 1950 x thread ripper with a very solid temperature you can get an extra 0 – 200 MHz to the maximum 4000 MHz the processor is projected to have. (Hilbert, 2017).

The 1950 x thread ripper has a whopping 40 Mb l3 and l2 cache. That’s a whopping 20 Mb for the level 2 cache which means faster processing and reloading. The 16-core part with four four-core CCX units aka Summit Ridge aka RYZEN, in the end, gets a per-core L1 data .cache size of 32 KiB, an L1 instruction cache size of 64 KiB and then an L2 cache size of 512 KiB per core. (Hilbert, 2019).

The X399 While some of the chipset functionality is harbored inside the processor, a new generation and architecture processor will always require a new motherboard chipset. Let me first reiterate and make clear that ALL Ryzen processors are unlocked, that entails all Ryzen 3, 5, 7 and thus now the new Thread ripper processors. Thread ripper processors, however, will require a new socket due to the many pins needed. The platform will be using Socket design SP3r2, a 4094-pin socket that was originally developed for the AMD Naples (EPYC) series server processors, but again, AMD did a 180 and is introducing it also as high-end desktop platform series processors and chipsets. (Hilbert,2019) .

The AMD thread ripper 1950 x has an amazing quad channel dual memory. The motherboards will be paired eight dim slots, configurable as single, dual and quad-channel setup. AMD will support jedec SPD timings and frequencies at 2133 /2400  and 2667 MHz, but you can expect to see motherboards with support for 3200 MHz (and higher up-to 3600 MHz) as well, much like Ryzen with AGESA 1006 and newer offers. Two channels per two 4 DIMMS per 2 dies and will offer UMA (distributed) versus NUMA (local) modes (for low gaming latency). The new memory subsystem will run 3200 MHz in quad-channel with no problems (with compatible memory). 

The 1950 x like every sophisticated microprocessor out there, it needs to be properly cooled. There are different types of coolers that are compatible with the processor. It would be necessary to choose coolers that are relative to what kind of speed you want to achieve with the processor. The thread ripper is compatible with multiple cooling setups as well as heat pipe solutions. the Asetek brackets make this possible.

            To conclude the thread ripper is a very fast micro processor, it used the power of multi-threading to make things run faster. So multiple threaded will perform extremely well. While the multi-processor might not process single-threaded applications as fast as multiple threaded applications. It still does not lack in that aspect and offers a base speed of 4.0 MHz minus the addition 200MHz that is still achievable due to system conditioning


HilbertHagedoorn . (2017 , August 10 ) . AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950x,1.html

Introductory Letter

403 Torry Avenue ,

Bronx , New York 10473,

February 6, 2020.

Julianne Beth

Professor of English education

City College of New York

160 Convent Avenue ,

New York , New York 10031,

Dear Ms. Davidow

America is different , New York feels similar but very different . My mother left me when I was 9 to come to America for greener pastures. I always admired and idolized the great America . We Nigerians when offered the slightest opportunity to go abroad we mostly take it . I used to think America was land of money . Like once you there , some way or the other you will be rich . I grew up without a father and mother in my life . I grew up in Lagos . A city of almost twenty million people. I lived in Surulere , a city notorious for its hood style though not really poverty rigged compared to other places . Living in Surulere was very fun. I had neighbors I would play soccer with , watch television and play  soccer with . I grew up with a lot of soccer and around entertainment ; music and movies .

The very early part of my childhood was fun till I moved to Egbeda , where I had to stay with a particular aunty who I did not like very much .I spent  four to five years in Egbeda and I can say the most important thing that happened to me was the interest I developed in music , rapping to be specific . I was roughly 11 or 12 years old and I was very passionate . I had a manager at 12 or 13 I believe . He gave me my first show . I was very excited, he organized a band with back up singers , keyboardist , drummers and me (The lead singer and rapper ).  When the day came, I was very nervous. It was my first show at age 12 / 13 I can’t precisely remember. I do remember how nerve racking I felt especially in beginning but towards the middle I felt comfortable and my ending was great . I did get some standing ovation . I had  a promising start but besides music I was not focusing on school , and I was hanging out with the wrong guys . So my Mother decided to send me to boarding school . Which meant that was the end of music for me and most importantly ended the relationship with my manager.

Boarding school was tough and unfortunately due to the length limit of this paper I would not be going into details about the terrible and embarrassing  experiences I had. However , Boarding school gave me a lot. It taught me how to be a man of ambition . It taught me discipline. It taught me that life is not all about roses. I had to take care of my self , physically , mentally and emotionally . While all these are great qualities to have as a person. However, boarding school almost killed my passion for music . I went to a very Christian boarding, that did not allow no form of circular music . So I had stop making music for a long time . However, at the end of high school . Someone showed me how to produce beats and I got the hang of it and practiced a lot and started getting better . So in another way , I got acquainted with music in a way that was acceptable by music and that was how I started music again .

When I graduated high school I was very different from when I came into high school. I learnt different thing about life and I also had ambitions and a career interest . I picked up computer programming and thought it was interesting. So today as we speak I am currently pursuing a degree in computer engineering while also working on music by the side . After years in America I realized America is not a land of gold as I thought , you still have to work hard.

Yours Sincerely,

Chukwudi Udoka .